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Water Purifying Systems – Necessity or Luxury in South Africa? 

Water is life! Every living thing needs water to survive. When you cross over to biology, you will learn that the respiration process can’t even begin if there is no water. Plants are living things, like humans, so you can't talk about healthy living without mentioning clean water. Biology states that water is utilised in 4 different ways: as a temperature buffer, a solvent, a metabolite, as well as a necessity for life.

This commodity is so abundant to some, yet to others it is still scanty. There are many pieces of research that have been conducted on water in South Africa that show that despite Africans being endowed with a lot of unexplored resources, some communities face water shortage. 



Statistics show that more than 783 million people do not have access to clean water. Furthermore, 1 person in every 9 people in Africa do not have access to clean and safe water. This is equally related to the daily deaths of 1 in 5 children due to water-related diseases.

While the above statistics may be hard-hitting in Africa, the whole world faces mishaps due to water. For instance, 1 in every 9 infant’s death below 5 years is because of poor water quality. Credible research also shows that, currently, up to 14 countries in Africa are experiencing water shortage. In some years to come, up to 11 more countries will be facing this acute water shortage. Will you blame it on global warming or poor governance in Africa? While that question is still relevant, Glacier Water Technologies is addressing the elephant in the room.

Glacier Water Technologies is setting the pace in South Africa through improving the quality of water by offering innovative water purifying systems to the market. 


Why South African Water is Not Clean

In South Africa, fresh and clean water scarcity is the order of the day. This scenario is brought about by rampant water pollution as well as river destruction due to urbanisation. Damming of rivers, deforestation, industries, agriculture, wetlands, energy use and accidental water pollution are the main causes of water pollution in South Africa today. Population increases also cause significant catchment destruction and pollution.


Notable Causes of Water Pollution in South Africa

1. Urbanisation

In South Africa, more and more people move into the cities and directly and indirectly pollute water. As a result, there is the physical disturbance of land as more businesses, roads and houses are constructed. In turn, there is chemical pollution of water due to the fumes produced by motor vehicles, mines and industries. The air also gets polluted and the high influx of people in cities causes inadequacy of sewerage and water treatment plants.

A high population brings about the need for more fertilisers to grow crops. This increases nutrients such as nitrates and phosphates in the water which then cause an algal bloom. When the algae die, they decay, in turn causing the depletion of oxygen in the water, which gets used by the bacteria. Low levels of oxygen in water cause the death of most organisms that live in it as they need it for their survival. This process is referred to as eutrophication. It can further be propelled by litter, causing diseases as well.

2. Energy

With the increase in population, the need for energy also increases as the population needs energy for lighting and cooking. South Africa is known for coal. It depends on coal energy to power engine turbines, thus a high level of sulphur and nitrogen oxide gets emitted into the atmosphere. The gasses are responsible for acid rain which harms the natural environment as well as the health of humans. In the process, water is further polluted.

3. Agriculture

Agriculture ought to be the backbone of any nation, especially those in Africa, but if managed badly, it can harm the nation terribly. In South Africa badly managed agricultural activities cause soil erosion as a result of too much soil and vegetation disturbance. Too much overgrazing, logging and road building also bring about massive soil erosion. This has a negative impact on the murkiness and salt minerals in the water. Agriculture also increases detrimental nutrients in the water, due to farmers using too much fertiliser. Water is contaminated by the nitrates and phosphates that cause eutrophication (a disease described above). Most farmers also use pesticides which further contaminate the water. 


The Most Harmful Pollutants in Water

Germs and chemicals are the two main categories of water pollutants not only in South Africa but also globally. While germs are organisms responsible for causing certain diseases such as malaria, bilharzia, cholera, typhoid etc. chemicals are poisons. These poisons are mainly and mostly dispensed by industries.

What Is in Your Glass?

1.             Insecticides

These are sprayed on crops to kill insects; nonetheless, they somehow work their way into your glass of water. In South Africa, for example, the controversial DDT is used to get rid of malaria-causing mosquitoes. Too much of this can cause vomiting, dizziness, as well as convolutions. Low levels of these chemicals are cancerous especially in developing babies. In the same breath, organophosphates (insecticides) are toxic to animals too. Insecticides are washed away and run into rivers where they then poison the aquatic creatures. They somehow get to your cup, as perceivably clean water for quenching your thirst. Again, you may consume them unknowingly when you eat your washed or unwashed fruit sprayed with these insecticides.

2.             Heavy Metal

South Africa has many mining companies, some found in Gauteng. They mine heavy metals like zinc, molybdenum, nickel and cadmium. The metals are washed not only under water but also into streams. Fungicides also contain a significant amount of mercury and aluminum, which are toxic heavy metals. When fungicides are sprayed on crops, they easily get to the river as runoff when it rains. These heavy metals not only are harmful to humans when they drink the contaminated water but also to the aquatic life. When you consume food contaminated with mercury and aluminum, you are at a higher risk of food poisoning.

3.             Detergents and Chlorine

In South Africa, there are many paper and pulp mills and textile factories. These should be listed among the major water pollutants in the country. Most of these factories release their wastewater into rivers. This wastewater is highly toxic as it contains high levels of chlorine, essential for making the paper white and soft. Textile factories follow in the same vein, releasing acids, caustic soda, dyes and detergents into the rivers. The water is not only harmful to humans but is known to cause harmful effects to fish and birds that drink it. Never drink downstream water being released from any factory into a river.


With all of these pollutants in the water we drink, it is imperative that you ask about a water filter company in your area. Better still, ask Glacier Water Technologies. It is renowned water purifying system company in South Africa. Contact Glacier Water technologies ( to be assured that you’re drinking the safest, cleanest water.


What Is Bad-Tasting Water?

When you drink tap water, at times it smells bad. This is due to the heavy chemicals in the water, introduced by the municipality’s attempts to purify it. The municipality treats it with chlorine which can be extremely dangerous especially in high levels. 

Glacier Water Technologies will make it possible for you to enjoy water that does not stink because our water purifier system will remove any harmful chemicals and traces of hard metals in the water thus enhancing its taste and improving your healthy.


Glacier Water Technologies for Life

Since water is life, Glacier’s water purifier system will ensure you get safe, pure and clean drinking water every time you turn on your tap. We will recommend the right water purifier system every time to ensure that the water you consume is clean, fresh and pure. 


How Will Glacier Water Technologies Soften Your Hard Water?

Hard water clogs up your pumps, boilers and appliances, causing you to replace them regularly which in the end becomes quite expensive. Hard water also impacts your skin and hair too. Glacier Water Technologies offers a water softener system to remove elements such as magnesium and calcium. This will make your water soft again before it comes out of your taps at home.

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